Values, Methods, Rules

I’ve been Journeying in to understanding , re evaluating, questioning my space and place within my current research-y side of things. Not quite what I imagined in terms of my understanding of ‘outputs’ but beginning to recognise this time is for exploration of who I am and I’m going in to what for me will be a life changing month.. MARCH!
Many moments of spring and New life will be coming along. and my energies I am slowly observing .
Doing the things I can but not worrying about what I put out in to the world yet.

SO. Values, Methods Rules.
Actually sitting down and brainstorming what these words mean to me, came from a conversation with Katy around the processes we put in place for ourselfs when it comes to assessing if a project sits right with us/what we need from the people or orgs we work with/what could be improved or sit more in line with who we are as people and artists.

We spoke about a women Sheila Ghelani who has written a Checklist of Care pretty much a policy document for herself.
She speaks on Blog –
Herself before commencing work or activity,
Herself – after the activity what has she gained, distractions, is it fitting with life aims..
Others – what to think about around Audience and who she works with, spends time with is she making it accessible etc. is she working with local people…Are others being looked after in these spaces…
Flora and Fauna, is it environmentally friendly, can it be, what she will be leaving behind.
Social context – Long Term message – Language & Actions – Reaching outside of comfort – is their conflict debate
– Am I self censoring?

It reminds me of what I’ve learnt from being around ideas and tools which come from my learnings around working in community, being a human, permaculture and self care.
what I’ve learnt from my years saying yes to things I didn’t really want to do. Or abandoning my morals because of other people. Or not saying things because I thought it would upset someone.
All of which come down to our understanding of what we are as humans, whats important, what will and won’t do for our own health, the health of others and environment.

One thing I keep reminding myself of, is OBSERVATION.
This is the starting point of everything for me. Its where we learn about the world and people and self. Where we make mistakes and relearn , reflect sit still and ponder.
Its key to pretty much all of who we are.
And sometimes over looked because of time, space, others or our own self loathing.

This is what Values, Methods and Rules mean to me.

Values – sit on the inside and radiate out of who we are, they start with our loves, passions and self awareness and generate a starting point for good care and understanding of ourself within any situation.

Methods- Are a way of continuing to understand my values in a more structured way. Following a pattern or system which I sometimes loose when I’m overwhelmed or at a point of panic. These bring me back to Observation and I continue from there.

Rules – Something I’m just acknowledging as really important for my life and work.
Setting Boundries to protect my values which I can speak and tell others about before I commence actions which may take my energies.

This is a good place to begin a document which expresses my self care and rule book for life… Possibly.

Speak soon

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